How to Join or Renew Council Membership

Memberships for the 2024/2025 school year will be accepted starting May 15th. Memberships can be submitted electronically by using the online join feature below or by completing and returning the enrollment form. 

Membership term runs July 1st - June 30th. 

Superintendent Membership Enrollment Form
Cabinet & Associate Membership Enrollment Form

To join, simply select the appropriate membership category below! After joining, please remit payment (make checks payable to NYSCOSS) by September 1 or pay in two installments, one-half payment by September 1 and the remaining payment by February 1 to:

New York State Council of School Superintendents
7 Elk Street, 3rd Floor
Albany, NY 12207


Any chief school administrator of a New York State Public School District or Board of Cooperative Educational Services may become a Superintendent Level Member of the Council. This includes titles such as District Superintendent and Superintendent of Schools. 

Superintendent - Online Join


Any deputy, associate or assistant chief school administrator or principal of a New York State Public School District or Board of Cooperative Educational Services may become a Cabinet Level Member of the Council.  

Cabinet - Online Join

Retired Life

Any chief school administrator of a New York State Public School District who has been a superintendent member of the Council for a minimum of five years immediately prior to retirement. To renew your annual publication or update your mailing preference, complete and return the RLM Publication form available here! 

Associate Member

Any superintendent who has retired from service and who has not been an active member of the Council for the five consecutive years leading up to retirement; any member of the administrative and supervisory staff of the New York State Education Department; any member of the instructional and/or administrative staff of a college, or department of educational administration; any member of the administrative staff of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System, or The New York State School Boards’ Association. 

Associate Member - Online Join

Business Member

Business members are individuals who are active in a field that is allied to education and who wish to support the programs of The Council and the public education system of New York State. These business members may gain access to the Council on payment of prescribed dues of $1000 per year. Business members do not have access to the Menu of Marketing Benefits or exhibiting opportunities. However, should a member wish to move to either the Premier or Signature level during the contract year, the amount paid into the business level will be applied to the higher level. Business members list of benefits include:

  1. Receipt of Council publications
  2. Receipt of one Membership Directory
  3. Access to label purchases
  4. Annual event registration at the member price
  5. Half page ad in the Membership Directory
  6. Participation in the Annual Golf Tournament with Council members at the Fall Leadership Summit

If you have any questions regarding the Business membership, please contact Deidre Hungerford, Associate Director of Business Development at or 518.694-4885.

Business - Online Join


If you have any additional questions or require assistance, please contact Melanie Seiden, Associate Director for Membership, at 518.694.4877 or email

Melanie provides direct support to our members by answering membership questions including member online access, assisting with membership purchases, transfers and renewal. You can also contact Melanie with registration questions for Council and LEAF, Inc. programs including registration for both the Fall Leadership Summit and Winter Institute.