News Releases

The Council issues news releases in response to education policy developments and to unveil our reports and initiatives. Council leaders and staff also meet with local newspaper editorial boards and conduct briefings on critical issues for State Capitol and education reporters. They also appear on statewide television and radio programs that have emerged in recent years as key forums for discussing state issues. As with our legislative advocacy, we seek to be recognized as an information source which reporters can trust and rely upon. A thrust of our media relations efforts is to attempt to frame issues once at the state level, so that superintendents do not all have to make the same arguments in 700 different locations throughout the state.

Media Contact:

Robert N. Lowry, Jr.
Deputy Director for Advocacy Research & Communications
T:  518.694.4879
C:  518.435.5996
Twitter:  @robertnlowry

Bob directs our advocacy activities and serves as the principal contact with the news media. He is regarded as one of the state's leading experts in education finance.

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Council News Releases