Rethink Ed

49 West 27th Street 8th Floor
New York, NY 10001
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John Henyecz, Senior Account Executive
P: 201.398.6953



Simplify the school day from on-demand professional development, to fast digital data management, to active learning strategies, to streamlined IEP goal writing , to curriculums that align to learning outcomes, there's a Rethink Ed solution for every educational challenge.  Strengthen Whole-Child Education with the power of technology combined with evidence-based research lets Rethink Ed deliver fully integrated training and instruction, giving all students the opportunity to achieve academic, behavioral, adaptive, and social/emotional success. Inspire All Learners: They say it takes a village to educate a child. Rethink Ed is part of that village. We provide meaningful training, instruction, social and emotional learning, and more to help all educators love up to their potential, so all students can live up to theirs.